David Wilson Researcher, Writer, TV Producer and Director
Ancient Greece
Delphi - Bellybutton of the Ancient World [BBC4 2010]
Guilty Pleasures [BBC4 2011]
Ancient Greece: The Greatest Show on Earth [BBC4 2013]
"When Tern TV asked me to direct a programme about Delphi for BBC4 in 2010 I couldn't believe my luck. Dr Michael Scott of Warwick University is a superb and expert presenter and we soon delivered Delphi: Bellybutton of the Ancient World, a film about Delphi's role as a mirror the Greeks held up to themselves, which reflected their vital, but peculiar world view.That was followed in the next year by a two part series, Guilty Pleasures, about luxury in ancient Greece ["Nothing in Excess?"] and the Middle Ages ["A Deadly Sin?"].
Then in 2012 we made Ancient Greece: The Greatest Show on Earth, a three-part series ["Democrats", "Kings", "Romans"] about the invention of theatre in ancient Athens, and its role in Greek politics and history from the zenith of classical Athens to the age of Imperial Rome. "

BBC/iPlayer links:
Delphi TX BBC4 November 2010 1 x 60'
Guilty Pleasures TX BBC4 July 2011 2 x 60'
Ancient Greece: The Greatest Show on Earth
TX BBC4 August 2013 3 x 60'